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Published on January 28th, 2014 | by seanear1ey


Hunger Games: The Corn #TortillaRevolution

cornCorn Tortillas aren’t just a vessel for tastier foodstuffs as Blanco Nino would have us believe. They are, in fact, a cornerstone of Mexican culture, life and even history. For too long we have been subject to tasteless plain tortilla exports nothing compared to the authentic and original corn tortilla as it is meant to be. Well Blanco Nino is about to change all of that.

Screen Shot 2014-01-27 at 23.01.29Working with 30 Irish farmers and food specialists the dream is to build Europe’s first Corn Tortilla factory operation in a move to supply us with what we have for so long missed out on. Within 5 years the guys expect to occupy 600 hectares of Corn fields and reinvigorate Irish farms with a homegrown success story.

It’s still in early days, but Founder of Blanco Nino – Phillip Martin tells us ‘that we’re blessed to live in one of the most beautiful green places on earth and in 2006 Ireland’s sugarbeet farming was demolished meaning a new direction and solution is needed to transform idle sugarbeet fields into corn to support unemployed farmers’.

Blanco Nino is exciting, it’s innovative and it’s sure to be big news.

Check them out @HelloBlanoNino or at http://facebook.com/helloblanconino

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About the Author

Food Writer with @Culch_ie. Putting the ‘elation’ in Public Relations since 2009. Digital Man (ager) at @SlatteryComms

One Response to Hunger Games: The Corn #TortillaRevolution

  1. Kenny25 says:

    Damn! I was just thinking about becoming Ireland’s first corn-tortilla entrepreneur, since I couldn’t find them available anywhere in Galway. Im sure there’s a good market for them at this stage, with all the gluten-free ruaille-buaille. Good luck to ye, I suppose.

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