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The Culch no image

Published on May 11th, 2014 | by seanear1ey


Hunger Games: Foodie News

Lots happening in the world of food lately so thought we’d cram the top five most exciting foodie related things into the one post. So *deep breath* here goes:

1. 24 Hour Starbucks in Dublin?

Yes, it does exist. We don’t always want to go out on the batter or tee-total while sitting in a local of any description. Enter Starbucks, who’ve recently taken over the old Anglo Irish building on Stephen’s Green (oh, the irony!). The official Starbucks site doesn’t list this new location or its relative opening hours so we’re going on a bit of general banter relating to this (courtesy of the Pink Elephant Blog on Twitter) which details a 3AM fix of caffeine for the Pieta House “Darkness into Light 5k”. We’re chuffed about a late night coffee spot but equally kind of sad that it’s not 3FE or Fixx…

Screen Shot 2014-05-11 at 21.53.002. The “Waffogato”

Those mad bastards who invented the Cronut (which celebrated its first birthday this week) have done it again with the Waffogato from New York’s famous Dominique Ansel. Tahitian vanilla ice cream is set inside a crispy waffle and dropped into an glass, while hot maple syrup spiked espresso is poured over it and topped with sea salt and powdered sugar. As the waffle melts, tapioca balls set within the ice cream begin to float up adding to the deliciou-OMNOMNOMNOM…. #want

Screen Shot 2014-05-11 at 21.59.473. The Not-So-Secret-Garden

The secret of the Secret Garden is out. I was treated to a delicious six course meal, as much red wine as I could possibly drink and the fantastically decorated surroundings of The Secret Garden, last Monday. Similarly to anyone else who ate there, I ranted and raved about it and was genuinely overcome with a pang of guilt at my shock that the entire event was an orchestrated coup by Lidl Ireland and Catapult. My slight bias exposed, the guys did a first class job of showcasing what can be done with the produce available from the discount retailer – kudos! It was the perfect exposé and reveal, that everyone bought into the idea of a hipster restaurant run by Cuan Greene and Harry Colley of Dublin PopUp. These guys will go far considering what they whipped up! Bloody Marys with tomato foam, steak bearnaise, two different types of lamb and a jammy chocolate swiss roll to name but a few delectable delights! The event charged punters €20 (for SIX courses!) and in the end raised €24k which all went to Lidl Ireland’s charity partner Barretstown. Fantastic stuff.

Screen Shot 2014-05-11 at 22.11.18

4. The Nutella Bar

Top Chicago-based restauranteurs Eataly had a problem. Due to a legal complication with the state licensing laws they found themselves unable to sell wine until October. Nightmare. So, instead of being bitter they found a sweet (geddit?) way to turn a few quid and occupy a part of their restaurant with a serious talking point. Nutella. On crepes, toast, bread, muffins, you name it! It’s been the buzz for the past few days with everyone vying to get a bit of chocolatey action. We love the idea, in particular the “BACIO DI DAMA con Nutella” check the menu here.


5. The Gibson Hotel Jazz Brunch

Sunday. What more could you ask for than a THREE course leisurely brunch, the comfy surrounds of the Gibson Hotel and some live jazz? This was the ultimate Sunday treat and I can definitely recommend it. Brunch for two will set you back around €30-35 but will also set you up for the entire day.

We split duck spring rolls then had battered sea bass and chips / eggs benedict which were all superb. Sea bass taking the place of the humble cod was a definite thumbs up!


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About the Author

Food Writer with @Culch_ie. Putting the ‘elation’ in Public Relations since 2009. Digital Man (ager) at @SlatteryComms

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