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Published on May 19th, 2015 | by Simon Maracara


Post-referendum plans for this Friday: The Daft Punk Movie at the Sugar Club

YES, YES, YES! We know everyone is tired of the referendum talk and here at Culch.ie we are already thinking of an aftermath treat (only for those who actually vote) for next Friday night. So what did we say when we were asked to post about a special screening of Daft Punk’s epic animation movie? A big fat YES of course!

Here’s the sitch: The Sugar Club is hosting a screening of “Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem” the movie companion to Daft Punk’s album “Discovery,” released back in 2003 and starring the blue characters from the music videos from the video “One More Time.” Doors will be open by 11 pm (YES, with plenty of time for you to vote after work and come round for a pint or two before the movie begins) and tickets go from 10 euros for the early birds to 12.50 euros. And you can get them at the club’s website.

Will there be any action after the movie? Duh! YES, a big French party featuring DJs playing all things Daft Punk. The line-up looks a bit like this at the moment: Johnny Moy (Encore!!!), Ruth Kavanagh (Mother), Chris Holten (Together Disco), Future Bones (Tica Taci), Barry Farrell and Pete Dancer working for your pleasure and entertainment.

So there you have. Next Friday 22th May go and vote for whatever your mind tells you to (YES, your mind it’s bright that way) and come party later with the blue people of Punk.


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About the Author

Venezuelan journalist living in Dublin. A mess who’s driven to do something greater. A peniless sitar player. Whedonist.

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