Audio: Bedtime Stories for Children [and Other Ramblings]
What you will find above is [correct at the time of typing] 96 pieces of audio recorded over the last 5 years [and counting…] to almost the exact age of my wee daughter smElla, aged 5.
If I’m honest originally, I found it really hard to find audio stories and poems that were decent - some of it for the grown [or not so] ups at least, is pretty unbearable - and whilst the original idea, a suggestion by Bernie Goldbach and also Mark Rock, was to record her babblings and musings as she grew up, it essentially grew into my reading her bedtime stories which is what you will mainly find above.
From this you might take 2 things:
- You may decide to record your own which others may listen to - or-
- You may decide to listen to a story which might make you smile
The flip side is we have often ran out of books, something I quite proud of. But from not being able to find a decent similar in audio to listen to and then decide I think I’ll buy that one, I have found that it is a case of hit and miss for us, of which stories are total pants and which ones make smElla giggle or smile a little.
At the moment we are reading Favourite Irish Legends which we both very much like.
Of note, all are recorded into the tail end of my iPhone via audioboom, in the exact same way The Sodshow started. They are also available in iTunes, though you will need to scroll a heck of a lot more as I haven’t seperated them from the other 600 plus recording in there. If I catch a moment I might set it up as its own podcast; But I probably won’t. Stories most usually are prefixed with “Stories” or “Bedtime Stories”. The player above starts with the most recent - age 5 - and goes backwards to age months old.
Also of note, it’s usually dark when I read these; I also don’t rehearse them in advance, ever; and the most dramatic voice in the world is not order of the day, at night-time when a wee one is trying to sleep. Enjoy.