Nonsense! 140 characters is titchy compared to some of the huge blog posts I’ve written over the years.
Maybe the life-stealing is due to the fact that you’re on Twitter, FB, Bebo, myspace and interacting with texters to your show. Christ you probably have your own fleet of carrier pigeons too. ?
Twitter is a “life stealer”, writing a tweet is no problem.
but then you read one, and just another one, and just another one, and just another one
and the next thing you know, you’ve lost a few hours. I jump in and out using a client (so I can see search results and replies quickly) and when I realise I’m spending too much time there… it gets shut down.
I am getting hooked on twitter. I signed up quite a long time ago but never paid much attention to it, now it has sunk its claws into me and it aint lettin go
I’m still avoiding the Twitter thing.
I resisted for ages, but it’s way less time-consuming than blogging, that’s fo’ sure.
Less time consuming??? Are you on drugs Sinéad?
It’s a life stealer…
Nonsense! 140 characters is titchy compared to some of the huge blog posts I’ve written over the years.
Maybe the life-stealing is due to the fact that you’re on Twitter, FB, Bebo, myspace and interacting with texters to your show. Christ you probably have your own fleet of carrier pigeons too. ?
I don’t know how you keep up, O’Shea.
I’m a group blog ?
When I don’t have the time to blog, I thank god for twitter stealing my thoughts instead.
I joined Twitter recently…pretty handy, and fun too!! Although quite feckin addictive….
Twitter is a “life stealer”, writing a tweet is no problem.
but then you read one, and just another one, and just another one, and just another one
and the next thing you know, you’ve lost a few hours. I jump in and out using a client (so I can see search results and replies quickly) and when I realise I’m spending too much time there… it gets shut down.
I will not hear a bad word said about Twitter.
*Stamps foot*
Twitter is a wonderful beautiful lady.
She will, like many of the best sirens, enthrall, bewitch, and steal your life from under you.
That said once she has you in her velvet vice grip, you will never want to leave.
Stamp all you like RP’s, twitter is a load of bollocks ?
I am getting hooked on twitter. I signed up quite a long time ago but never paid much attention to it, now it has sunk its claws into me and it aint lettin go
no matter how hard I try to stay away I always go back to Twitter
Wait, when did James Earl Jones start dispensing life wisdom? I’m bloody missing out here.
I tried Twitter on the money back guarantee about it not being shit.
I got my money back.
That’s right.