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Published on August 3rd, 2011 | by travors


Quick Review: Recent Reads #1

Ender’s Game by Orson Scot Card.

I’d seen Ender’s Game pop up at the head of many Top 100/50/10 Sci-Fi book lists, so decided to give it a go. There is a clever (and brutal) plot here, and I can see elements of this story have been appropriated for many films. Some interesting reflections on war too, both good and bad. A lot of the action takes place in Zero G, the description of those scenes was sometimes hard to follow. Ultimately, I found I didn’t care about the protagonist and the last few chapters, with their weird religious undertone, felt bizarre and tacked on.

Scores: 2 out of 5.

The Liar by Stephen Fry.

I’m a huge fan of Stephen Fry and had high hopes for The Liar. It started off well and I found myself laughing out loud many times. As I progressed though, I began to feel like Mr. Fry was more interested in showing off his education and intellect than helping me follow a plot (which was absent for most of the book and eventually just too silly). Overall disappointing.

Scores: 2 out of 5.


The Backpacker by John Harris.

From a strong start this “true story” (bullshit) turned into badly written infantile crap. I felt annoyed I wasted my time reading it. Definitely no “The Beach”. Avoid.

Scores: 1 out of 5.

Monsignor Quixote by Graham Greene.

It’s a little clichéd to call a book charming but the description just fits perfectly for Monsignor Quixote. I loved the friendship between the two central characters: A Catholic priest and a Marxist mayor (I never would have guessed that, as a serious atheist, I’d have so much time for a priest!) and even though I sometimes struggled to understand their political discussions, I still found this book an enjoyable read. Also, it left me with a serious hankering for red wine and cheese.

Scores: 3 out of 5.

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About the Author

Dan Walsh is a musician, artist, nerd and cubicle dweller from Dublin, Ireland. In early 2008 Dan started the webcomic GarfieldMinusGarfield.net which went on to become one of the most celebrated blogs of 2008. It has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, Rolling Stone Magazine, The Washington Post & The New Yorker. He received a book deal with Ballantine Books and Garfield Minus Garfield the book was released in late 2008. His personal blog is travors.com.

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