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Published on September 23rd, 2014 | by Culch.ie


Review: Spirit of Folk Festival 2014

spirit of folk 2014 (2)

This is all maybe, going to sound just a bit freaking odd, maybe…. And either, says my funny head, you are going to empathise with me on this one entirely or, you will consider drawing a very tiny square to mark your disapproval of my ramblings solely because it also doubles up as your upcoming anti Pythagoras’ theorem protest logo.

And that is a little of how I’m afraid some who maybe just weren’t there [man] may read this appraisal/ review/ look back/ analysis of sorts of what is, Ireland’s loveliest little festival.

Because when, you love something so much - as we [plural] do of Spirit of Folk, it becomes very difficult to wonder if you or I in this case can see any flaws at all; and that maybe just maybe even if the possible wrongs were pointed out to you or me, that one would pay no attention to them because the pure strength of your love would quite simply blind your eyesight.

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Did I over do it ? I don’t think so. Because, she is what it is and she is perfect. And she was. Again. She also, I should add officially, sold out. SOLD. OUT.

In the music department, we - there were 9 of us this year - had a list that was never going to be missed. Top of that was Bunoscionn. They and all acts noted here, included in the audio player above.

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And like a fine Portishead song, yet again, we simply found another reason to love them, even more. Trad Irish they may well be but they are also a real lesson in just how to headline a[ny] festival. In this case SoFF’s opening Friday night.

spirit of folk 2014 (13) spirit of folk 2014 (16)

Added to our must see noted before we got there hit list was also one of Ireland’s finest song writers and finest gents Tod Doyle who was later followed by the also fantastic foursome that are Lynched.

One of three new to me and us surprise acts however that caught my eye were Elm and In Their Thousands. Higher, in both cases than highly recommended.

spirit of folk 2014 (4) spirit of folk 2014 (18)

The third of that trio, were Tupelo. A scroll through the embedded audio player above will explain [for all acts noted] all you need to know. Pure f**king genius !

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As always with Dunderry’s Festival it is a little more than just the music. It was also the Hall of Heroes tent, the hugs on arrival and the so very wonderful people I and we took the short but very beautiful journey with. To all of you who we met, laughed, drank and danced with, thank you.

What they say:

If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat ! Just get on !

What we say:

Spirit of Folk 2014. Thank you for being as you always are, so very beautiful. X

In the meantime, I’m off to teach myself to play the feadóg stáin, you had me at hello and Dunderry 2015 simply cannot come soon enough. X

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One Response to Review: Spirit of Folk Festival 2014

  1. Siobhan Johnson says:

    Spirit of folk wonderful as always. Elm were amazing x

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