Spirit Store Culture Dig – Limerick
Hello Culchies, please welcome Froodie to the mix. She’s a Limerick based blogger, so she’s a genuine culchie, unlike most of us imposters. Please make her feel welcome. Today, she wants to tell us about a fairly cool project she’s working on this Summer.
– Darren
For six weeks last year, the Spirit Store Art Café was run in a disused pub in Limerick City, to huge success. There were artists, actors, dancers, musicians, museum curators, skaters, knitters, astronomers, mathematicians and pretty much anyone who had anything interesting to share coming together, meeting, workshopping and performing in a formerly dormant corner of Limerick City.
The crew behind the Spirit Store had to go back to their normal lives, but they are back in the fray this May with the Catherine Street Culture Dig (CAT DIG). The event will be taking place as part of ev+a 2010 from Friday, May 7th to Sunday, May 9th.
Over the weekend, the residents and traders of Catherine Street in Limerick will be co-hosting a series of cultural events on the street – and the Spirit Store crew are looking for submissions with something to offer the event. They will work to match up participants with suitable venues and make the street a part of the festival itself.
So – if you’d like to host something, run something, install something, perform something, screen something… anything from dance, theatre, trad, performance, archeology, architecture, film, literature, puppetry, experimental music, digital installations, sound art… the closing date for applications is the 31st of March and you can get more info from the Spirit Store website: http://spiritstorelimerick.weebly.com/
I’m involved in the organisational part of things, and also hoping to run a Bookcrossing event, Limerick-style tweasure hunt (inspired by the awesome folks @dublintweasure) and a Stitch’n’Bitch. Is there something you’d like to add?
Hey I was talking to Marilyn the other day, I think I’ll be getting involved in some capacity or other…also that stitch n bitch sounds great. I’ll be there with bells on…just don’t make me eat packet and tripe again!