’s Albums Of 2011

Face facts, folks. You’re probably going to end up with a lot of vouchers for Christmas this year, because modern technology means your friends are all too busy playing Minecraft to put any effort into something as occasionally outdoorsy as present shopping. But not to worry.’s here to tell you exactly what to exchange your damp and dogeared vouchers for. Here follows our albums of 2011, all of which we’re pleased to bet our bunions you’ll love. Of course we are! Who wants bunions?! Foster The People – Torches ”You’ve got to hear this one” said my mate Noel. I hadn’t a clue who they were but vaguely seemed to recognise ‘Pumped Up Kicks’ from the radio. In the intervening months, Foster the People have gone big. Their performance at Electric Picnic was jammed and their proposed gig in The Academy was upgraded to the Olympia after selling out … There’s more