… aaaaand we’re over the hump of the week. Happy Wednesday afternoon, everyone! Half the week is gone! Two and a half days out of your life you’re never getting back. Two and a half days closer to death! But never mind. Yeah, you’re not fourteen anymore, but if you were, you wouldn’t be able to roar your guts out to this beauty, would you? I want you all to do me a favour. Click the link (because we’re not allowed embed this piece of cultural history, boo, hiss). Square your shoulders. Press play. And wherever you are: the office, on the train, at the bus stop, in the hairdresser’s – sing out at the very top of your lungs! For this is the greatest nostalgic tune there ever was or ever will be! This separates the twentythirty-somethings from the boys. This. Is. THE FRESH PRINCE OF BEL AIR!