Tonight’s Apprentice Live Blog

You remind me of final scene from wizard of oz, you look impressive but behind the curtains there’s nothing there Will Sir Alan have a put down this week to match that? The UK Apprentice is on BBC tonight at 9 o’clock and the live blog will be running here and on Elf In Amsterdam from about 8.45. Unfortunately, I won’t be around this evening (I’m going to the theatre, don’t you know), but there should still be plenty of people around to help slag, slate, size up and slam the would be Apprentices.

Apprentice S05E05 Review & Gossip

Our “rough tough creme puff” from NY, who was going to give us “balls right now” is gone! Even she had to admit that her teams product was Pants! Yes last week the teams had the branding and marketing challenge, oh and there were hot branding irons in the fire by the time the final three were in the boardroom. Kim sensing her time was up and Lorraine was after sticking the knife in, turned to her Brutus with a venomous look claiming “I have always championed you”, and while Philip drawled “That’s so romantic” Sir Allen gave her a one way ticket back to the big apple. She did as many a losing apprentice and hoist her self by her own petard, claiming that this was the challenge she was here for, she took leadership of team Ignite. However, that was about as far as she took it as … There’s more

Acceptable in the 80′s?

But not acceptable on last nights Apprentice! Anyone wonder where Philip’s highly original idea for a jingle might have originated? Check this out! Wake Up Call Cereal Spot (AKA Pants Man) Kellogg’s Fruit & Fiber – Campsite Spot – 1985 Philip was raised on a healthy diet of Apples, Hazelnuts, Bananas, Raisins, Coconuts, Sultanas….. and Telly!!

The UK Apprentice Week 5

Join us for tonight’s live blog where we follow both teams as they try to produce a brand identity for a new breakfast cereal. Paula went last week but can James and Ben survive another week in Alan’s Boardroom? Find out on BBC One tonight at 9pm. And if you missed last week, check out Elf’s recap here. The live blog will run from around 8.30 this evening on and Elf in Amsterdam. Come on – it’s fun.

The UK Apprentice

Three weeks into this year’s UK Apprentice and the backbiting and bitchery is in full swing. In last week’s live blog we all expressed our hatred for the vile and arrogant James. We had poll after poll and were sure he would go, but no! Candidates were required to invent and market a new piece of gym equipment. Debra headed up Team Ignite, but they struggled to come up with any ideas early on. Philip wanted to make a square ball (???) and on James’ team, Ben wanted to go down the ‘sex sells’ route. James’ team lost out with Team Ignite winning a huge order of 10,000 from John Lewis for their sexy looking Body Rocka. Team Empire’s Home Multi Tone was a massive failure. After a lot of bitching between Ben and James in the boardroom, it was poor quiet Maj that was Fired. Join us for tonight’s … There’s more