Do Over: Beverly Hills, 90210

I was three when Beverly Hills, 90210 first aired in 1990 and by the time it ended in 2000, my parents were still telling me I wasn’t allowed to watch such a salacious show at my impressionable age. When the CW Network had the gall to relaunch the classic series back in 2008 in the form of 90210, it reminded me of the original series I was so harshly deprived of during my younger years and I immediately sought out the boxsets, feeling smugly triumphant in my delayed rebellion. The Walsh Clan was the average, down-to-earth American family transplanted into the fickle and shallow world of Beverly Hills and the show tracked the positive effect the wholesome Walsh Twins had on the local West Beverly kids and in turn, how they managed to fit into this scary new world. Brenda and Brandon Walsh – one of the most famous sets … There’s more