Seriously cool – New interactive trailer for Iron Man 2

Ramping up the anticipation level for a summer release? Well look no further than Paramount Pictures and Marvel whose new interactive trailer for Iron Man 2 sets a new bar for killer marketing. This new interactive trailer contains certain highlights from the original feature trailer and allows you to click on embedded hotspots in order to learn more about specific parts of the film, including the suit itself, the Expo and more. This is shaping up to be one of the movies of the decade. Cannot wait!

Couples Retreat

Thanks to the lovely fellows at, we went along to see Couples Retreat last night, Vince Vaughn’s new movie. I don’t know what it is about Vince Vaughn that makes me like him – I’m not a fan of his films and I certaily don’t think much of his acting prowess, but he just comes across so well in interviews and such that I feel like he’d be someone I’d like to go have a beer with. So, I went into the film expecting little. I didn’t expect the performaces to be mindblowing. I didn’t expect to laugh my arse off. I didn’t expect to be set alight by an incredibly well-crafted script and plot. However, I did expect a light, easy comedy with a few decent laughs, leaving me feeling happy enough at the end. And, my expectations were met. Couples Retreat is not amazing, but it’s fairly … There’s more

The Friday Feeling – Movies out this Week

Another week comes and goes and thus we have a another batch of new films in cinemas nationwide vying for ultimate box office glory. This weeks slate is a little more bare than usual with only 3 new movies unspooling. So what’s on the menu?

Movie News 07/04/09

Jennifer Garner and Butter. No, not as exciting as you might think, but mildly interesting all the same – she’s starring in a political satire which follows a young orphan adopted by a couple in the American Midwest who discovers she has a hidden talent. She’s a genius at carving sculptures from butter and must compete with the wife of her town’s former carving champion in the annual competition. According to the writer, Jason Micallef, he “wanted to do a political satire and…was looking for some venue that people take very seriously but is also ridiculous – like politics – but at the same time is really visual.” JJ Abrahms’ new comedy (he produces, while Roger Michell directs) has an impressive cast list. Morning Glory has Jeff Goldblum as the boss of an aspiring news producer, Rachel McAdams, who must save a failing morning TV show by keeping in check … There’s more