
Eddie (Bradley Cooper) is a bit broken. He looks like a homeless drunk but isn’t either and has been stuck in a rut for a long time. A chance encounter with his former brother-in-law leaves him in possession of NZT, a new drug that opens up the dark fields of the mind. Directed by Neil Burger, this could have gone quite wrong (Shia LeBoeuf was cast until an accident meant a postponement and the part was re-cast), but it’s an effective thriller in Burger/Cooper’s hands. NZT transforms Eddie’s life from a dead end into a highway, propelling him into high class parties, business meetings and expanding his knowledge field overnight. There’s a downside though as Eddie is shown what life without NZT actually means for former users (including an under used Anna Friel) and he’s pursued by those who know what he’s got his hands on. Robert DeNiro is more … There’s more