Trailer: Marvel’s Avengers Assemble

You know what would really help you over humpday? A dash of Disney… Bitta Avenger’s anyone? Starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner and Samuel L. Jackson, and directed by Joss Whedon, “Marvel Avengers Assemble” is based on the Marvel comic book series “The Avengers,” first published in 1963. It’s not here until April 26th but here’s a wee tease…

Top 10 Movies to Watch 2012

1. The Dark Knight Rises Every Christopher Nolan project is shrouded in secrecy, but what we do know about The Dark Knight Rises makes it arguably the most anticipated film of 2012. With a release date in July, this will be the blockbuster of the summer. Tom Hardy plays Bane, Anne Hathaway Catwoman and an all-star cast which includes Joseph Gordon-Levitt may be a clue to how this trilogy will end. Fanboys have been circulating theories for months, but one fact is well known; this will be Nolan’s last Batman project as director and he will most definitely go out with a bang. 2. The Avengers All those side projects (Captain America, Iron Man, Thor) have been leading up to the big one. Oh, and by the way, 2012 will be Tom Hiddleston’s year…

The Avengers assemble for Joss Whedon

So Joss Whedon is going to be directing The Avengers…that should make me happy right? I mean here is creator of two of my favourite shows (Buffy and Firefly) getting the chance to helm a mega-budget blockbuster movie. Not only that, but it’s a comic-book movie, an area Whedon is infinitely familiar with having penned a number of acclaimed stories for iconic characters such as the X-Men and Runaways. The talent alone, Robert Downey Jr’s Iron Man, Chris Hemsworth’s Thor, Chris Evan’s Captain America and Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury should assure success at the box-office, but the pressure will be on Whedon to assemble these into a coherent and accessible movie, and despite his obvious ability I’m a little unsure.

Seriously cool – New interactive trailer for Iron Man 2

Ramping up the anticipation level for a summer release? Well look no further than Paramount Pictures and Marvel whose new interactive trailer for Iron Man 2 sets a new bar for killer marketing. This new interactive trailer contains certain highlights from the original feature trailer and allows you to click on embedded hotspots in order to learn more about specific parts of the film, including the suit itself, the Expo and more. This is shaping up to be one of the movies of the decade. Cannot wait!

Sherlock Holmes

I went to see Sherlock Holmes last night, the film was engaging, Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law worked well together, and it was not all action either, had its’ moments of deductive reasoning, even the fighting scenes were good as Holmes mentally planned the blocks and the hits and their physical damage intended in medical detail. Former boxer ‘Big’ Joe Egan from Dublin played the muscle for the antagonist, Lord Blackwood portrayed by Mark Strong. Rachel McAdams’ character is an acquaintance of Sherlock Holmes. I’ve never walked the streets of London, but it looked like all the street scenes were real, and upon checking the IMDB website for the film found that London, Manchester and Liverpool were amongst the filming locations. Regarding the antagonist of this film, it is not Moriarty, which I thought it would be, but he is shown, just a glimpse of his shaded persona, the lapel of … There’s more