Event: Paddy’s Weekend At The Workman’s Club

Hey there, paradoxically Dublin-based Culchies. Plans for this Paddy’s Weekend? The Workman’s Club have a right patriotic line-up for you for this Saint Patrick’s Day, right up to the bank hangover holiday dancing delightfully in its wake. Shenanigans abound from 4pm on St. Patrick’s Day, with the Somewhere indie crew churning it up in the First Floor Bar, free admission for a 9 hour marathon of daycent tunes. From 8pm The Venue will play host to trad seisiún masters The Bonny Men. Tickets are €10 on the door. Don’t wear heels, because the feet’ll be worn off yeh from the stomping. Festivities crank up again at 5pm on Sunday (that’s plenty of time for a lie-in, in fairness), with a battle between the Workman’s indie residents and Mass resident DJ Sister Lisa Marie. Music-based, mind. This ain’t no cock fight. The Folie a Deux DJs are on hand afterwards, promising … There’s more