ACDC - versus - the highway to hell….?

acdc played ireland june 28th 2009. Everything that could go wrong on ‘the organisers’ part did. The question is… was it worth it?

Firstly, I dont want to take away from the band themselves and the music… most important to me….. but when one pays €153 just to get there. I also bought a car park ticket that I didn’t use. Instead I got the bus. Another €40 for me and John. Throw in some food and a few drinks and you have a pretty expensive day. I work darned hard for my extra spondulas.

No matter what….. I did get to see ACDC. They are legends. And for that it was worth it but… similar to the saga that existed when Oasis played I guess it simply left a bad taste in my mouth.

The question will always be ‘so how was the ACDC gig’? And I suppose the answer will always be…. ‘yeah they were good but….’

The problem? It baffles me how it existed. I don’t know how it took a bus almost 4 hours to get ***near*** Punchestown. I then walked ran approximately 3 kilometres along with so many others who had missed the entire support acts [plural], afraid we would miss ACDC as well. So at least I got to see ACDC you say….? Yes that still remains. And always will. Never mind the 20 minutes Q to get a pint of beer.

What the flip is going on? Can the people who organise…. not organise. They must have known due to pre-booked bus tickets and obviously the pre booked car-park tickets how many vehicles would be attending?It angers me. But the answer still is, I guess, I did get to see one of the most legendary bands ever to exist. I can now proudly add that to my list of greats now including The Rolling Stones and The Sex Pistols.

About Peter

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or

11 Responses to ACDC - versus - the highway to hell….?

  1. darraghdoyle says:

    Great video Peter - glad you enjoyed the gig! As for the rest, well, I guess until we know what it takes to organise a gig like that, there’s only so much speculation we can do on the reasons why and why not!

  2. Peter says:

    thanks darragh mate. still, disappointed i missed the blizzards and *thought* lessons would have been learnt from the oasis debacle…?

    i guess the vid summises ‘the happier’ moments ;)


  3. Ian Healy says:

    Yup. MCD fail again. heard lots of women were crushed and trampled in the bus queue’s

  4. Pingback: MCD, Part 2: AC/DC’s Highway To Hell « Gav Reilly | thinking out loud

  5. Anthony McG says:

    Unbelievable. You would have thought they’d do everything in their power to fix the issues which plagued Slane.

  6. peter says:

    wouldn’t surprise me mate……

    ….you [and I]would have thought

    ….’they’ obviously didn’t and/ or it seems don’t.

  7. Sinéad says:

    The messed up thing about it is people are still buying tickets to gigs. So MCD just get away with it over and over again.

  8. CJ says:

    Great gig. Enjoyed the craic walking 5 miles to get in. Thand God for Tesco’s in Naas, their offy was gutted. MCD are blaming the walkers for delaying buses. Might be an element of truth here but ultimately it seemed like there was little coordination in trafiic flow management. Saw 2 Garda in 5 miles directing traffic at a junction. No problems with the bus back to the City but I guess we were lucky. Great music, great day!!!!!

  9. Joe says:

    Its time people stoped moaning and started acting, MCD last night were a farce in terms of public safety during the dublin bus post show disaster. Most of their stewarts did nothing while people got crushed and frustrated trying to get a bus back to Dublin.

    MCD need to be publisly exposed for their ongoing failures in terms of public safety.

    People should as I have email them with their complaints. I intend to seek to ensure taht their licences will not be granted as a given, but that they have to improve or else face the possibility that they will not get licences for events.

    My friends are going to set up a lobby group to press the relevany authorities to take a keener interest in ensuring public safety at all future MCD events.

    People could have died in those bus queues last night, must we wait for thsi to happen?

  10. dan says:

    i was there aswell, got a bus into the bus park, 30 euro from down in limerick, had no trouble getting into the grounds, and had no trouble getting home, acdc were awesome and i got to see the blizzards and the answer… all in all a good night for me. didn’t see any of the bus trampling though.. was on the bus about ten minutes after the gig!!!

  11. sheelin says:

    great gig, who would have expected anything less from the greatest rock band ever!!

    Check this sweet viral that launched before the concert

    Signed gibson guitar! YesPleaseThankYou!! Jump on board! x