The Culch
Published on November 16th, 2009 | by darraghdoyle
6Let Mr Blue Sky In - the flashmob in Cork on Saturday 14 November
Got to love this. Well done to all on St Patrick Street in Cork who did this on Saturday, as a protest against funding cuts to the arts, as organised for the National Campaign for the Arts.
They’re still inviting signatures for their petition.
Well done too to Egomotion for the videos.
There’s loads of videos of it on You Tube including the rehearsals.
I was there, randomly! I was right in middle of it! It was brilliant! I was amazed at the age groups-from as young as 5 or 6 to pensioners! Amazing!
This is great…so great I almost wrote a post about it 😀
I really enoyed this one compared to some of the much more co-ordinated ones recently. I love the fact that there is all shapes, sizes and ages taking part, it makes it that much more random and incredible 🙂
Well done to all involved, I hope it raises lots more awareness for NCFA
I love the use of ELO. Nice one.
Hope this doesn’t count as spam but here’s my photos of the event 🙂