Zack Snyder has an unusually cruel eye.

I’ve written a longer review of Watchmen elsewhere, but there is an addendum I’d like to make that fell out of my head until a fridge moment today (and will serve as my inaugural post here). The Kennedy shooting during the title montage was possibly the cruellest thing to grace a cinema screen since the first filmed kick in the nuts. It was clearly based on the Zapruder footage and as a dramatic reconstruction of a significant cultural event it gets full marks. Snyder obviously had someone count the pieces of brain that landed on the back of the car. It’s that accurate. The scene serves no purpose however, other than service Snyder’s apparent fascination with the myriad ways bodily tissues disintegrate under stress. It’s not the only clumsy appropriation in the movie (the Last Supper and VE Day kiss in Times Square gave me the dry wretches) , but … There’s more

Bet you never saw lunchbags like this

Remember going to school with a packed lunch. How was your lunch packed - greaseproof paper, a plastic lunchbox, stuffed in your pocket, wrapped in tinfoil? I feel deprived now - I never had lunchbags as cool as what Lunchbagart gives his kids. “A new bag each day for my kids. I’m the dad. I make these during my lunch break.” Brilliant stuff. Lunch Bag Art / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Movie News 13/03/09

Continuing my churn through the latest movie news, I have found yet another horror classic is to be rehashed remade. Stephen King’s It, the stuff of many a childhood nightmare will return to the big screen. Is there anyone creepier than Tim Curry who could play Pennywise? Kind of non-news this: Keira Knightley will not return for the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie. She’s had enough of the franchise. Haven’t we all? A bunch of release dates announced: Thor will be out in June 2011, Iron Man 2 in May 2010, Captain America will see the light of day in May 2010, as will Spiderman 4 and The Avengers movie won’t hit the screens until May 2012. It’s all so very far away… Speaking of Iron Man 2 (I was, honest), both Scarlett Johansson and Mickey Rourke have signed on. I. Cannot. Wait. (But I guess I’ll have to) … There’s more