Things I liked doing when I was 7

Making muck balls Counting all the bad words I knew Setting things (anything) on fire - eventually it’d burn Talking to the plants I grew under my bed My action man marrying my sisters barbie Watching my feet sink in wet sand on the beach Getting into the bath first so i could use the towel before the others Sitting on my pop’s knee - the white bird was always watching Daydreaming in school when i read the book the day before Playing rounders Dressing up in camoflauge believing no one could see me Putting book under my matress and hiding underneath it… took them ages to find me Leaving my cheese sandwiches on the radiator in school so they became toasted by lunchtime Making my dad take his briefcase full of my stuff to work - I had his old one as a school bag Writing elwood on my … There’s more

My first ever reviews

I’m not one usually for commenting on films, as by and large, most modern films do nothing for me. In the last couple of weeks however, I have seen two films which impressed me. The first film was one Herself wanted to see - “Lars and the Real Girl”. I wasn’t particularly anxious to see it, as she told me it was a comedy about a bloke who falls in love with an inflatable sex doll. I had visions of puerile humour which is not how I want to spend an hour and a half of my life. However, the film was remarkably good. There was a lot of humour in it, but it was essentially a very moving story of Lars, a man with deep rooted personality problems, excellently acted by Ryan Gosling. There were also fine performances by Paul Schneider as Lars’ brother and Patricia Clarkson as the doctor. This was a film that … There’s more

Incredible Sci-Fi Memorabilia

Ebay is one of those places you can find the rarest of treats, especially for die hard tv and movie fans. I recently stumbled upon this extremely rare reproduction of a painting from the set of Battlestar Galactica and if I had a few hundred euro to spend on something self indulgent it would be this. The Cylon War Painting hangs in Adama’s quarters, though the camera rarely focuses upon it, it’s presence is like a quiet nod to old school sci-fi and just like Battlestar itself has an essence of Steampunk to it. What’s even more enticing about this Ebay sale is that the seller was the Visual Effects Supervisor on the show, but is out of work with the unfortunate completion of the Battlestar Galactica series.