the real reason for depression in ireland…?

They say there is a depression in Ireland. I’ve spoke about this before. But sometimes just sometimes people have just had enough. I have. I and you pay our radio telifís eireann fee. And what have the old boys done to cheer up the nation…? To make us stand proud and tall? To give us our Barack Obama moment of hope and glory…?

why georgie... why?!!

why georgie... why?!!

That’s right they gave George Lee alias Mr. Depression his own brand spanking new series…

George mate… question number one? Will this programme of yours actually do *anything* for the country…? Me thinks not, horsebox…

Me doubts its so very sincerely.

I am a very happy chappy George. I’m getting 3 new chickens next week… the last 2 were bad layers

Very bad layers in fact. 3 eggs in 4 months. But my niece Lilly [now 5 years of age] liked them… anyhow thats talk for another day mate…

I saw this on you tube George - it sucks - really bad…. really really bad… After I watched it I tried to jump offa window ledge - but - I live in a bungalow… I realise now that its not the economy or the money that gets me down - it’s ‘economists’ nee pessimists, nee depressionists like you that get me down. Before we get to the cheering up bit… has RTE ever been bailed out…??? and onto the happy stuff

I make good coffee george - really good coffee… and you are very welcome to call around. Herself won’t mind… she’ll probably go for a walk - but don’t take any offence. She likes walking. Before I go I have one more question… it might even make you smile… Do you know Anto…? Sorry mate - but it’s all I had left in my locker.

….and back to the oul’ tree hugging I go. Coffee?

About Peter

Horticulturist. Yapper. Gardener. Human. Landscaper. Loves coffee. Dublin. Makes gardens. Radio Podcasts The Sodshow. Lives in a tree in Dublin @DoneganGardens or

6 Responses to the real reason for depression in ireland…?

  1. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Silicon Love

  2. Darren Byrne says:

    To be honest, I’ve pretty much managed to avoid seeing, hearing or reading about George Lee over the past few years. I think I’m probably a happier person as a result.

    Is he really that bad? Does he have any constructive words of wisdom at all?

  3. lecraic says:

    I avoid TV news now for the very reason that his face pops up so much. I think I might have written about this programme when i heard about it first and thought it was and is a dreadful idea for a show.

    But then, what’s that saying “if it bleeds, it leads”… as in the bad stories will always get the headlines,.

  4. Peter says:

    …….sorry mate - i fell asleep reading my own post… eh yeah.

    fair point dude - so unfortunate though, for us, the guys who pay for rte’s 250,000 euro website :roll:

  5. Pingback: » Blog Archive » are ye listening RTE, ye better…?!!

  6. Paul Hunter says:

    Pity he, and David McWilliams were right all along. Even though they haven’t come out and said it, they must be thinking “I told you so” around about now.