I have a simple plan to clean up the standard of programmes on television.
Ban any program that in any way promotes the use of a mobile phone or any other kind of phone in.
Just think – no more of those cheap and tacky ‘celebrity knockout’ type programmes? No more eejits dancing on ice or on anything for that matter?
No more Late Late Show!
That’s that sorted.
I oppose this idea on one simple ground
“Swap Shop”
Given that the times are recessionary, shouldn’t we be educating kids in the value of what they have. An so, bring back swap shop. True it was a UK show, but the idea…
Ring in with your unwanted items, and what you want to swap them for.
That simple. It would work over the web, but if you want a cheap TV show, which can continue online after the show finished (maybe with a follow up show later in the day/week)
Should this media zombie rise again?
But…then we’d never get to see the All Ireland Talent Show……
Hmm…I see your point.
OK, Will, I’ll allow Swap Shop provided calls are at standard rate, and provided Noel Edmonds is banished to a not-so-tropical island first?
Dancing on Ice is a great show if you like ice skating and pretty costumes, which I do.
Voodoolady if people only watch those dancing shows for the costumes, wouldn’t “Celebrity wearing fancy Clothes” be a better show.
actually… isn’t that what Xpose was?
And Granddad, Isn’t Noel banished to the UK (a non so tropical island) enough?
At least his purple dinosaur would trash the other one (in my innocence I used to think that the forum alt.barney.die.die.die was to do with Barney Rubble from the Flintstones)
Will, clearly you do not know the difference between pretty costumes and fancy clothing, let me tell you, it is quite a big one. Rarely do you see a people wearing matching pink sequinned outfits strolling down Grafton street. In contrast, quite regularly you can see people wearing what might be described as fancy clothing, it’s just not the same.
Also, to be honest, a lot of the love I have is for the hot professional skater partners in their skin tight costumes. YUM.
XPOSE has neither celebrities on it (Old bony arms herself doesn’t count and neither does old eyebrowy ) nor does it often have nice clothing on it let alone fancy. Not that I watch, harhar.
Also, the ice-skating is glorious and I will not hear a bad word said about it. Ray Quinn is a superfreak, he’s super freakaaaaaay Do noo noo nooo.
Voodoolady I wouldn’t have taken you for a Dancing on Ice type person. Tut and tut again.
Can we get rid of Fair CIty? And anything with Twink and Gerry Ryan?
Tut yourself. Also, up yours.
Now, now, children! Please behave or you are both going on the naughty step and no television at all.
Yeah, I love it when you talk dirty.
I’ll defend Twink for past services rendered (the things she can do with those mints with a hole)
Voodoo, I can assure you that you can see people wearing matching pink sequinned outfits, and indeed the hot professional partners in their skin tight costumes in Dublin; Panti’s on Capell Street, right?
Maxi, don’t get rid of Fair City. Just improve it. I’d suggest starting with a bout of food poisoning at the burger bar. That should be enough of a plot device to wipe out half the cast, then its dodgy sandwiches at McCoy’s to get the other half.
But what would you do with it?
Perhaps there should be a phone vote for who should survive the cull? Then maybe I can try out for a role
Will, yes but not on ICE.