It’s that time again, where yet another instalment of the Pokémon franchise is released for the masses of kids, not-so-kids, and adults who are still madly addicted to the game (me included) to rush out and waste their money on as soon as it’s released. Well, nearly everyone…
Why is the franchise still going after, what is it now, 14 years? Well, according to the title screen it is © 1995 - 2009, so yes it’s been around for quite a while. It may be that the hardcore fans insist on picking up the latest versions whenever they can, even though it’s the same thing over and over, just in a different setting with a different pool of Pokémon to play you main storyline adventure out with.
One thing I do want to point out, is that Platinum is only being released in the US this Sunday (with the exception of an event at the Pokémon Center in New York selling it this Saturday). It’s not due out here in Europe for another two months. So unless you want to import it… or have connections like me, you’ll have to wait a bit longer to get it for yourself! What’s new? Well, everything and nothing. Can’t be bothered listing stuff here, I’m lazy.
If it’s anything like the release was in Japan last year, I bet that there will be at least a million copies of the game sold in the US within a week. We all know what those American kids are like, with their whiny immature voices, always shouting at every opportunity, making you wish you could just rip their vocal chords out when you have to listen to their crap online after you hand their ass to them. I’m sorry, where was I? Ah screw it…
Of course this does mean I now need to spend another 50 hours playing the game just so that it’s up to the same standard as the one I have on my Japanese language version of the game. Yes, I did get the Japanese version and play through it. It wasn’t hard, as all Pokémon games have the same basic storyline. Go to towns, get badges, kick the evil baddies out of the region, go beat the Pokémon League, then get your main Pokédex and wander around the world aimlessly. Lots of fun, especially when you do it before your friends, so you’re the one with the uber team everyone is jealous of and will nag you to trade to them non-stop until you either do trade or kill them.
Hey I thought a game where the only violence was between little tiny helpless critters stuffed into airtight balls wasn’t supposed to instigate real-life violence?
Bah ha ha ha ha - you’re not an adult!!
Me no speak game so good Chris.