The Apprentice

The Apprentice UK is back on our screens tonight for Series 5. After the mad live-blogging frenzy of the TV3 version of the programme last year with Bill Cullen as the mentor, I’m looking forward to seeing how it goes for the UK series. I love watching Sir Alan Sugar, he won’t take any crap or guff from anyone and for the most part I think the participants are genuinely in awe of him. His cockney uttering of ‘You’re Fired!’ in that gravelly voice of his keeps me coming back to series after series. That and watching the tasks and usually thinking a variation of ‘WHY?’ and ‘I could do better than that!’ Elfinamsterdam has suggested liveblogging the show tonight so if anyone is interested in taking part, stay tuned to this post or indeed contact her yourself @elfinamsterdam. I’ll update this post with details of where we’re liveblogging once … There’s more