GSAT: The Geek Social Aptitude Test
My particular results are quite… accurate
You Scored a 25 Out Of 50
Most of your friends are from the internet, and the only time you see them is when you drive six hours to a meetup or convention. You find it much easier to communicate with people on the internet rather than in face-to-face settings, and you never really feel comfortable in social situations. But you’re a god in some sphere, be it World of Warcraft, Second Life, some message board or a "scene."
So, how geeky are the rest of you culchies?
8. I’m so cool.
I am so ashamed. I can barely bring myself to type this……..
An 8 for me.
it was that pron harddrive one that tipped you over the 24 mark wasn’t it Chris?.. shame
it was a 5 out of 50 for me but apparently im still socially awkward .. right that test is partially retarded.
thats like scoring a A++ on a cool test and the result coming up saying im as cool as a priest in a nursery
I rule.
9 for me
7! But I’m living with someone who I suspect will get 20+ so I’m as bad really.
4. Me so cool
Ah feck - I thought I was cool. I’m not - I got 17.
I scored 5 Out Of 50 so apparently I’m…
“like James Dean, if James Dean were less attractive, less famous, less rich, alive and interested in gadgets. You’re a relatively “cool” person, but that’s only relative to people who are seriously awkward, so don’t go patting yourself on the back just yet. You still read a gadget site in your free time”.
I can live with that!
OK, I laughed out loud at the question “My dream girl has eyes the size of dinner plates, is part robot or, optimally, both.” (my answer is no)
My score: 13 Out Of 50
You wear a “Can’t sleep, clowns will eat me” shirt you bought at Hot Topic, but you rarely have trouble gathering a crew to play Left 4 Dead at your place. Sure, you might not have been prom king, but you’ve found your niche and similar people to you and you’re making it work for yourself. You can’t really argue with that.
The funny thing is, now, I want that t-shirt.
I got 7…and that James Dean thing too…how old is that test?
11 here. I *am* convinced I would be happier if I worked on the Enterprise.
I don’t and I don’t know what Left 4 Dead is and I don’t think I’d invite people to do that anyways. Silly test.
It’s good though that I didn’t know a lot of what they were talking about, right? Right?
Left4Dead is a collaborative (4 players) first person shooter. 4 survivors in an “infected” world (a la 28 days later). The catch is that you can’t survive on your own, so you need the other 3 (and the game will play the other 3 if you are on your own).
Haven’t played it, but it looks pretty good
While I haven’t played it, nor do I own it, I have seen a lot of it being played at the lab gaming sessions in college.
Generally, the survivors never survive, when real people control the infected
I got 14 and I can live with that. It sounds quite well-adjusted actually. I would think someone with a score of 35 plus is ever so slightly on the other end of the autistic spectrum? That wasn’t meant as an insult btw. I like both nerds and autistic ppls.