You might ask ‘Why did you go see this Voodoo?, it clearly looks like a pile of crap’.
Well in my defense I wanted some feel good popcorn fare and it looked easy on the brain.
I thought to myself…..Richard Curtis, Nick Frost, Bill Nighy, Rhys Darby etc - How bad could it be? Well, it was pretty bad my friends.
The ad for it looks better than the entire movie does.
There are too many characters and because of this they are all underused. The humour is weak and cringy, the plot is basic(read:BORING) and it is so very long, so very very long, completely snoozeworthy.
I’m giving it a 1/5 ’cause the tunes are good and I liked the end credits. Not only because it was the end, there’s a nice CD montage aswell. Oh, and Philip Seymour Hoffman is in it, YUM.
You do generally give acurate reviews, I’ll wait for it to show up on TV so.
Well, obviously it is in my humble opinion and all that but yeah.
Awh, I was looking forward to seeing this. Is it a case where ALL the best bits are in the Trailer?
In all fairness to Today FM, they were shilling the shit out of this flick for the last two weeks, and got quickly marooned (wahey) when three of their film reviewers - that I heard at least - said how much they HATED it. Ian Dempsey couldn’t have squirmed on the air any more! “Wellll it has some great parts…” etc.
No. It doesn’t. And it hurt to realise it. I really REALLY wanted to like this.