Fancing filming the new Fight Like Apes video?

This just came into my inbox and I thought of you - you can’t say we don’t give you the cool stuff…

Fight Like Apes will be shooting their new video in Dublin on Sunday 19 April; and they are inviting their fans to bring along video cameras and camera phones to participate in a once in a lifetime 100 camera shoot.

The video, which is being directed by Eoghan Kidney, will be filmed at Whelan’s at 11am on Sunday 19 April.

Budding lens-folk are asked to visit to sign up.

The band will be playing a short set to warm up the crowd, and there will be free signed CDs and posters for all participants who contribute footage. Entry to Whelan’s will be free and open to all those over 16 years of age who register their details to attend.

Eoghan Kidney directed the last Fight Like Apes’ clip for Tie Me Up With Jackets, which gained critical plaudits for its innovative animation; using 1,400 individual oil paintings to dramatic effect.

This new video, for the international release of Something Global, promises to be no-less inventive; mixing professional hi-def cameras with hand held input from handycams, camcorders and camera phones in the audience.

Numbers are limited and registration will close on Friday 17 April, so fans are advised to sign up asap and don’t forget your camera! Keep up to date with all the news on the shoot @ or

About darraghdoyle

Blogger, event addict and fan of street and performance art. You can contact me directly at darraghdoyle[at]gmail[dot]com or @darraghdoyle on twitter.

3 Responses to Fancing filming the new Fight Like Apes video?

  1. naomi says:

    ooohhhh I wish the hell I wasn’t working that day. I think Fight Like Apes are one of the funnest bands about at the mo.

  2. Niamh says:

    Wow love that video there. The idea is pretty cool too, they’ll have so many different perspectives from just one shoot-excellent!!

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