I’ve been having one of those music centric days and was delighted to come across this bizarre music video for “Name in Stone” from the band Dead Man Bones; it’s a seriously catchy tune too. The half-famous duo, Ryan Gosling and Zach Shield (Gosling’s best friend), are currently working on a concept album about the supernatural (watch the video and you’ll understand). Their music is surprisingly good, helped by the utilisation of a massive children’s choir. The album is out sometime in the summer, with no news yet about touring, but fingers crossed us ladies will be able to throw our Irish bloomers at the multi-talented heartthrob some time soon.
OOh, I heard about this.
HuzzAH for ryan, who cares about the tunes!
Huh - that’s kinda cool. More infos please…
Also, huzzah for Ryan!
There’s not that much info out there except for this one interview they’ve done…
I didn’t know Holemaster could sing.
This is actaully very cool. I always cringe when I hear an actor is “releasing an album” but in the plast few years there have been some really great ones. Scarlett Johanson, Zooey Dechanel (they go hand in hand now) and now this. Cool!