Radio bingo?

Well knock me over with a transistor. I never knew people played a game when listening to the radio. Lucille Redmond asks in today’s Sunday Business Post if people play this game when listening to talk shows: .. betting on when “at the end of the day” will first be said? I know they do; I saw two women in a cafe slap hands when a caller said “like, y’know, like” the other day on Liveline. Money crossed the table. So now that it’s a game, I would like to add the following to the list of words / phrases to listen out for : Absolutely With all due respect The current environment (or any of the many recessionary variations) Oh my god I’m just disgusted/appalled/angry/outraged/shocked/disappointed Personally speaking And while I’m on the subject of word usage, when did Mom enter the vernacular in Ireland? And High Street? And awesome? … There’s more

demands for 21 demands …?

In 2007 RTE, which hasn’t really got a great reputation for making the greatest of programmes…. possibly had a chance to prove its worth. A young band called 21 demands made it down to the last 2 of the reality tv show ‘your a star’ finals. But did the better half win? No. Of course it went to some chap who was more a karaoke king. No offense; but the lads really were/ are a great band. They are still on the go, local sources tell me…but they haven’t *made it* so to speak.

Fight Like Apes, Shoot Like Apes

So, remember I stuck this post up about the new video being shot for ‘Something Global’ the new Fight Like Apes single? I’m now in Whelan’s, listening to the band perform a six song set for the audience before we start shooting. Not sure how good the video quality is but here’s a video of dress rehearsal for Something Global. Probably the first video of the day to be uploaded!