Limited Edition Cover for Esquire May 2009 designed by Noma Bar
Via Yay everyday & Elfinamsterdam
Wiki: Avinoam Noma Bar, (born in 1973 in Israel) is a Graphic Designer. His work has appeared in many media outlets including: Time Out London, BBC, Random House, The Observer, The Economist and Wallpaper*. Bar has illustrated over sixty magazine covers, published over 550 illustrations and released two books of his work ‘Guess Who - The Many Faces of Noma Bar’, in 2008 and ‘Negative Space’ in early 2009.
Noma Bar on Artica & Creative Review
**Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock - A variation of the game Rock-Paper-Scissors that applies the Law of Five
Didn’t “The Big Bang Theory” guys play a version of this?
Why yes they did, I was going to reference that.. but I was veering so far into nerd territory as to render myself total social outcast!
I heart Big Bang Theory.
I really heart Sheldon.
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Ha ha I wouldnt quite call myself a total social outcast….. I do love that show tho!
Its such a funny show!
Where does it air in UK/Ireland?
E4 has the new series!