XKCD on Swineflu

XKCD nails the Twitter panic fest of the last few days.

About Allan

Allan is a Galway based cartoonist with a smörgåsbord of interests including visual art, music, technology and politics, and has always wanted to use smörgåsbord in a sentence. He also blogs at Caricatures Ireland.

4 Responses to XKCD on Swineflu

  1. Lottie says:

    lol - Brilliant. It’s a vicious circle. OMG are they white spots on the back of my hands?”"”"

  2. Allan says:

    It’s the spontaneous bouts of oinking you’ve got to watch out for.

  3. Efa says:

    Brilliant! I love the XKCD site!

  4. Will says:

    What I love about this is the second person on the list. Hammers is a character in a NSFW cartoon, and it turns out that she, and the rest of the main cast have been twittering their plotlines away in the background for a while.

    Hammers is the germaphobic one who actually would try the duct tape solution.