Darren’s Movie News 28/04/09

Drop Dead FredOh for Jesus H. Christ’s sake, why why why would they remake Drop Dead Fred? I am not against remakes. Sometimes there are good stories that need reworking, but Drop Dead Fred was a staple of my childhood. Rik Mayall’s anarchic figment was scary, crazy and wonderful. This is like remaking The Princess Bride as far as I’m concerned. Who in their right mind said it would be a good idea to let Russell ‘The Twat’ Brand anywhere near this? Stupidness. Angry now.

  • Adam Sandler’s porno, Born to be a Star, seems to be gaining fast ground. Christina Ricci and Stephen Dorff were already announced as cast members in his comedy about porn movies and now Don Johnson will join the crew as a porno director. Naturally.
  • The Terminator Salvation marketing train is running at full speed. Check out the most recent TV spots. This is gonna be great:

  • Megan FoxJonah Hex is a wild west movie with Josh Brolin playing…blah blah blah…Megan Fox is in it wearing this:
  • Can you believe it’s 18 years since our hearts were melted by Anna Chlumsky in My Girl? Well she’s back with a couple of films this year - The Good Guy with Andrew McCarthy and Armando Ianucci’s In The Loop.
  • And in oddly awesome news: Monty Python’s Terry Jones, who is 67 years old, has left his wife of 35 years after impregnating his 26 year old girlfriend. I…speechless…
  • David Cronenberg’s Videodrome is to get an update now too. Again, I can’t really see the point of this. James Woods performance will not be beaten and the raw grit of Cronenburg’s classic will just be replaced by flashy CG. Seems a bit daft to me.
  • Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2 has a fairly good trailer. Not sure why this would be coming out on August 28th though:

  • And here’s Renee Zellwegger’s Case 39:

About Darren Byrne

Blogger, writer, movie buff, amateur dramatist and all round nice guy. When I'm not spouting about on Culch.ie, I can be found Tweeting inanities @DarrenByrne or @Culch_ie. I am the admin behind Culch.ie and if you want to contact me for anything, drop me a mail.

5 Responses to Darren’s Movie News 28/04/09

  1. Lottie says:

    HF - The first words I read were “remaking The Princess Bride”.

    Paper bag. It’s okay. It’s okay.

  2. Kitty Cat says:

    L, can I borrow that paper bag, need it after seeing the Megan Fox photo. Holy fuck.

  3. Rick says:

    The question I’ve seen being asked elsewhere is, “just how tiny is her waist in that corset…..?”

  4. Sinéad says:

    I have Drop Dead Fred on dvd, if you would like.

    Totally amazing movie.

  5. Pingback: Culch.ie » Blog Archive » What A Waist