The Playboy Of The Western World

For the second week running, one of Kilkenny’s youth theatres is launching a major production.

This time it’s our old alma mater of Dreamstuff Youth Theatre who are producing that ironclad classic of Irish theatre, JM Synge’s The Playboy Of The Western World. The production is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the death of Synge, one of Ireland’s most revered writers.

Directed by Mike Kelly, the show stars Peter O’Connor as Christy Mahon (a character often described as the ‘Irish Hamlet’) and Aoibhin Murphy as the iconic Pegeen Mike. Supported by a strong (and unusually small numbered) cast of supporting characters, this is the cream of Kilkenny’s young acting talent working with truly classic material. It should be a fantastic show.

The Playboy Of The Western World starts tonight April 28th and runs until Saturday May 2nd in The Watergate Theatre, Parliament Street, Kilkenny. Tickets are 10Euro, with a concession of 8Euro tonight and the show kicks off at 8pm nightly. Tickets can be booked on 056 - 7761674. Check out for more details.

Via :D evious Theatre

One Response to The Playboy Of The Western World

  1. tcup says:

    want that poster,