Star Trek

I was one of the fortunate few who attended the Star Trek premiere last night in Dublin. As a lifelong Trekkie it was extra special for me to be able to see this almost two weeks early, but this isn’t going to be a review (Rick has pretty much covered that part) instead I wanted to share some of my fangirl feelings about it. I’ve written once before about my love for science fiction, but Star Trek is definitely where it all started out. From a very early age I watched Picard and Kirk, and later Sisko and Janeway. I quite literally grew up consuming everything Trek, and in the process I learnt some very valuable life lessons. Star Trek has always had these long running ideologies – to be heroic, make the right decisions, don’t be selfish and above all else show compassion. These are part of me too. … There’s more

Tonight’s Apprentice Live Blog

You remind me of final scene from wizard of oz, you look impressive but behind the curtains there’s nothing there Will Sir Alan have a put down this week to match that? The UK Apprentice is on BBC tonight at 9 o’clock and the live blog will be running here and on Elf In Amsterdam from about 8.45. Unfortunately, I won’t be around this evening (I’m going to the theatre, don’t you know), but there should still be plenty of people around to help slag, slate, size up and slam the would be Apprentices.

Apprentice S05E05 Review & Gossip

Our “rough tough creme puff” from NY, who was going to give us “balls right now” is gone! Even she had to admit that her teams product was Pants! Yes last week the teams had the branding and marketing challenge, oh and there were hot branding irons in the fire by the time the final three were in the boardroom. Kim sensing her time was up and Lorraine was after sticking the knife in, turned to her Brutus with a venomous look claiming “I have always championed you”, and while Philip drawled “That’s so romantic” Sir Allen gave her a one way ticket back to the big apple. She did as many a losing apprentice and hoist her self by her own petard, claiming that this was the challenge she was here for, she took leadership of team Ignite. However, that was about as far as she took it as … There’s more

Freaky Big Going On Thirty

In another life, when cinema AND a McDonalds were too extravagant for the student pocket, a friend of mine taught me the delicate art of getting takeaway food into the movies. The smell of chicken McNugget emanating from your coat and alerting staff to your scurrilous ways aside, there is a small sense of pride associated with being able to keep a large coke standing upright in your handbag while handing over your ticket for inspection and nipping down two flights of stairs to the screen. That other life being only a short six months ago, the last time we gave in to the McCinema craving was sometime before Christmas, and none of our party are proud to admit that the last time we did it, we found ourselves eating double cheeseburgers while watching Hunger. Last night we McCinema’d out of necessity as we were running late to see … There’s more

Blind Yackety Hides in Seashells

One of my favourite past times is discovery, not of places or things, but discovery of music. Particularly Irish music. It’s one of the reasons I adore The Choice Prize each year. I always come away with a new collection of “favourites”. So when we popped along to a charity gig in Greystones Theatre recently, my little ears got all perky and excited when local band, Blind Yackety took to the stage.