Win The Demon’s Lexicon. Now.

This is our first Culch author exclusive and, like all good things, comes from a few pints. I was at a glorious hat party last weekend and met, through fellow Culchers Sinead and Mr D, the Irish blogger Sarah Rees Brennan who was similarly spectacularly hatted. From that comes this. Sarah’s first and highly anticipated novel The Demon’s Lexicon isn’t out in the shops until June but we have a first copy, signed for you by the author herself. As is the fashion we’ll award it to the best comment below by midday on Thursday of next week (May 7th). Sarah herself will be choosing the winner. Off ya go now

All Fired Up

While the UK Apprentice may be in full swing, the second series of TV3′s Irish Apprentice has just started looking for this year’s hopefuls. At yesterday’s launch in The Dylan Hotel, Bill Cullen called for ‘warriors with liathroidi’. The second series takes place in a different world, an Ireland where the Celtic Tiger has gone and left us with an economy in serious difficulties. Last year’s Apprentice was exciting and fresh and without a doubt the best show TV3 has aired. Brenda Shanahan ultimately beat Nicky O’Callaghan to become Bill’s first Apprentice. Bill wanted someone who would ‘hit the ground running’. Returning to our screens in the Autumn, Bill will sit at the head of the boardroom again with Jackie Lavin and Brian Purcell in his ears. 14 new candidates will fight and bitch and moan their way into the coveted role of Apprentice to Bill Cullen and a package … There’s more

Darren’s Movie News 30/04/09

There’s a few very interesting bits of news today, methinks, but before that, don’t forget we’re all off to Cineworld on Parnell Street to see Crank 2 tonight at 6.30. Come along. More info here. In very exciting news, Oliver Stone is talking about the sequel to the iconic 80′s flick Wall Street. Michael Douglas has signed on to reprise the role of Gordon Gecko and it looks like Shia LeBoeuf will play a young broker trying to deal with the current economic meltdown. No word on Sheen as of yet. Wall Street is still one of the greatest films ever made and with the world’s economy as it is at the moment, Gordon Gecko could be the very character to epitomise all that we have grown to hate about the CEO’s and bankers who are getting off scott free. What do you think? Excited to see Gecko again? In … There’s more

We love the Abbey and they love creative comments

Remember our competition for tickets to see Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors at Dublin’s Abbey Theatre? We had two particularly funny and creative comments: Within the Abbey’s walls I ne’er have been, Its beauties unto me unheard, unseen. But if mine name be picked by chance from hat, Then maybe I could go and check it out and get a bit of culture and that like… from Mogueman, and from Ian we had But soft, what chance through firefox window breaks? It is free admittance, and a comment is the the cost. Arise, fair cinemagoer, and kill the celluloid moon, Who is already sick and pale with chickflicks That thou, the Abbey, art far more fair than she. Thanks to David at the Abbey Theatre, both commenters get to see the play tonight. Hope you enjoy it at least as much as Darren did.

Who do I pray to to make this not real?

This is quite possibly the worst movie ever made with an A-list cast. It stars Matthew McConnaghey, Kate Beckinsale and Gary Oldman as a……well, just look at this: Please someone tell me it’s a pisstake. When the going gets rough, it’s only the size of your heart that counts. Tip Toes was made in 2003. Has anyone seen it?

Oh, you’re THAT sort of gamer…

I see an awful lot of people online complaining about games that they just purchased, and how bad the game is in their eyes. One thing that is quite common about them though, is that they never actually bothered to even have a quick read to see what the game is about. So please, to keep all the Internet forums free of this useless drivel: Don’t buy Halo if you don’t want to shoot aliens in space, or get your ass handed to you by whiny American ten year olds. Don’t buy Guitar Hero or Rock Band if you don’t want to pretend to be a rock star when actually, you’re just looking like a twat with a piece of plastic. Don’t buy Left 4 Dead or Resident Evil if you don’t want to be in a zombie apocalypse fighting your way to safety. Don’t buy Need for Speed or … There’s more