What a wonderful weekend. I am oh! so very relaxed today. The weather, the swimming pool, the excellent company and the copious amounts of alcohol - wunderbar. And so, this morning I played catch up - I’ve missed so many trailers over the past few days, and some small tidbits of news. So here goes…
In strange news, they’re making a film version of American Gladiators. It can only be bad.
- Inglourious Basterds has not even gone on release yet and Tarantino has announced that he has the sequel half written. Interesting!
- Speaking of half written scripts, The Preacher is nearing a final draft. Sam Mendes will be bringing the comic book creation to the big screen.
- Universal, I love you. The studio is bringing a bunch of classics back to the big screen, such as Spartacus, The Blues Brothers, Scarface, The Thing and Animal House. Is there any movie you’d like to see brought back to the cinemas?
- Aw - Tobey Maguire and his wife Jennifer Meyer have had themselves a little baby boy. It’s their second child. Happy news.
- One of the few console games I really got into was Call of Duty. I was a crack shot. Anyway, enough about me - they’re turning it into a movie. I’m unlikely to be in it. (Strangely, Guitar Hero is also being made into a movie - wtf?)
- I’m not much of a Hanks fan. He ranks only slightly above Russell Crowe in the people I’d like to meet category (and we all know my feeling towards that silly little Aussie), but after seeing this, I may have to rethink my feelings:
And the trailers:
- Woody Allen’s Whatever Works has a new trailer:
Gerard Butler, Michael C. Hall and John Leguizamo are in The Gamer:
- District 9 is going to be the surprise mass hit of the Summer:
- And look - this is lovely - it’s the Princess and the Frog by Disney:
Gamer looks better then expected! District 9 will be a sleeper hit. So far D-9 is the only thing I’m really looking forward to properly…
Does anyone else think Tom Hanks is still a boy in a man’s body? Just me? Damn.
I can’t wait for District 9. Neil Blomkamp was going to do the Halo movies and I bet this film will make me wish it was never canned.
If Preacher is done well it could be great, even though it would have worked better as a TV show.
Looking forward to district 9 looks really cool. Also Gamer….haha once you hear it’s by the same guys from the Crank films, there’s no option but to see it!!
Fair deuce to John Lasseter…looks like he’s finally bringing Disney back from their mediocrity of the last 8 years or so.
Wait, I’m sorry… A film version of American Gladiators?
@Kevin Transformers? No?
@Padraic No - I was once a boy in a mans body…I don’t tend to talk about that anymore…
@Sean The Frog movie actually looks damn good, doesn’t it. Can’t wait for D9 though.
@Chris Yip! I…eh…no words…