If You See One Giant Underwater Creature Movie This Summer…

….make sure it’s MEGA SHARK VS GIANT OCTOPUS!!

I mean with a title like that, why not?

I have a sneaking suspicion this will make Snakes on a Plane look like Lord of the Rings …

About Sean

http://www.youtube.com/TheSonicScrew I operate on that lovely little channel up yonder when I'm not stalking the Culch.ies or being an extreme nerd on other parts of the internet. You should Totes McGotes check me out. If you do, I promise never to use the phrase 'Totes McGotes' again. You have my word.

8 Responses to If You See One Giant Underwater Creature Movie This Summer…

  1. Rick says:

    As a longtime Godzilla fan I can only love the idea of giant things destroying stuff.

    AND Debbie Gibson.


  2. Anthony McG says:


    Deadly. Sign me up.

  3. Damien says:

    We see your ‘Mega-sharks’ etc. and raise you a ‘One-Eyed Monster’: http://www.blather.net/zeitgeist/archives/2009/05/ron_jeremys_one-eyed_monster.html

  4. Pingback: Zombie Ants Are Coming… « The Pointy Adventures Of Jean-Claude Supremo

  5. UnaRocks says:

    that looks fucking amazing

  6. Best thing is,
    It’s gonna be in 3D.

    This must be the next Culch.ie cinema trip

  7. @Rick - Giant things destroying other giant things does indeed rule….hey, maybe we can throw in King Kong, Mothra, and that big-ass robot from Transformers 2 and have a battle royale!
    @Anthony McG- Done and done.
    @Damien - That’s gonna be messy…
    @UnaRocks - Exactly!
    @DermotBuckley - Now THAT would be fun…

  8. Darren Byrne says:

    Oh yes! Hell yes! Sweet Jesus YES!!

    @Damien Did I mention I saw One Eyed Monster a few days ago. Ron Jeremy ftw. :D

    @Dermo And in 3D. Sign me up this second.