Let’s Get Excited by Alesha Dixon

Title: Let’s Get Excited
Artist: Alesha Dixon
Label: Asylum
Release: May 11 2009

I’ve never used “professional” as a negative before. But here it is. Its a polished and professional execution. A well rehearsed vocal combined with a backing track calculated to play with maximum efficiency on a mobile phone speaker for the ringtone. And no I don’t like it.

It took me a few listens to figure out why. No heart. I suspect that this was supposed to fill an album, but somehow became a single. This is nonsense of course. A high tempo album filler would only become a single in a panic. And in that case, the vocals would be re-recorded with a different spin.

Still that doubt lingers in my head. Its functional, it won’t empty a dance floor mid-set, but its destined for mid set, if that.

No embedded video here, as for some reason the lable has decided not to submit it on youtube (there are fan versions), but they do have a Brightcove video on her site, with embedding disabled.

About Will

Will likes to dance around the interfaces of technology, people and culture. Unfortunately that dance floor is freshly waxed. He usually remembers to write (and photograph) at WillKnott.ie

4 Responses to Let’s Get Excited by Alesha Dixon

  1. Darren Byrne says:

    So, a slight irony that the track is titled Let’s Get Excited?

    I’ll admit that I had never heard of her until yesterday. Apparently she’s supporting Enrique’s tour at the moment.

  2. Saw her at Enrique (nyom!) last night…she got nobody excited.

  3. Will says:

    Claire that a touch harsh.

    Darren, Irony my have been the intent. She’s an actress that I found out about through “Celebrity Come Dancing” so the required acting chops should be there.

  4. Ah it’s not! It’s only the truth. The biggest cheer she recieved was as she was walking off stage.