What the flip?? Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one of the greatest TV shows of all time, made timeless by Joss Whedon’s incredible, quirky, fully realised characters is to be rebooted as a movie WITHOUT Joss Whedon’s involvement.
Seemingly, Fran Rubel Kuzui, director of the original movie which had Kristy Swanson in the title role, is going full steam ahead with a reboot, abandoning all of Whedon’s TV series characters in favour of a new spin on the story.
I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore
It’s fair to say the original concept of this franchise, the blond vmpire fighting teen, wasn’t much to go on - it was Whedon who turned it into the epic 7 series thrill ride of our youths. This CANNOT go ahead without him, without the TV series’ cast, without the well written, Buffy-speak laden, tongue in cheak scripts Whedon and his team did so well. Agh! Annoyed now. Anyone else care to share their ire?
Jeeeeaysus. Another one bites the dust. Are there no original ideas out there anymore? Seriously?
To put it ever so eloquently - that sucks donkey balls.
A concept scarier than bunnies!
The reason for a new spin on the concept is that while Kuzui owns the movie rights she does not own the rights to any of the TV characters or scenarios. So any new movie can only feature characters from the original movie or of course new characters.
Right now I doubt this will happen, there is no studio attached
@Darragh AND - they’re remaking Flight of the Navigator.
@Annie Beautifully and accurately put.
@Mark Bunnies aren’t just cute like everybody supposes. They’ve got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses and what’s with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?
Maybe she’s threatening a new film to put a fire under Whedon, to make him put Series 8 on the big screen.
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@Darren …. OH COME ON!!!!
Ire! Ire! and more ire!!!!
I won’t go see this. DONT GO SEE THIS. *shakes fist*
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