Risking The Wrath Of Our Benevolent Overlord

It’s a bird-mouse.

Okay, technically it’s a Pygmy Jerboa and I really really want one.

Via Travors

11 Responses to Risking The Wrath Of Our Benevolent Overlord

  1. Maxi Cane says:

    That would be great deep fried in filo pastry with a soy and ginger dip.

    Get in my filthy whore mouth.

  2. Lottie says:

    MAXI CANE! Evil!

    I was about to ask how you would like to be deep fried in filo pastry and diped in soy sauce but you’d proabbaly enjoy it. There’s something seriously wrong up there boy - you know that right?! Right!


    I mean , eh, *cough* grr manliness, indeed, yes let’s cook it or something….

  4. Rick says:

    Someone mentioned my name?


  5. TheChrisD says:

    Hey, we need something light-hearted to break the monotony that is Darren post after Darren post after Darren post.

    I’m just glad that others have something tasteful to put up, otherwise I’m posting videos of the bears.

  6. Travors says:

    I think it’s all about the oneness I feel for the fellow because of our very similar spindly legs.

  7. Lottie says:

    @Sinead - but a miniature one? And when it falls of the scales - soo cute!

    @Dr. MAnfattan - Manly fail!

    @Rick - Nothing to see here. Move along.

    @Chris - Hey now! Don’t make me chose sides. You’re just going to lose.

    @Travors - Maybe that’s it. It does bear my similar look of total confusion and bemusement.

  8. Annie says:

    It’s cute but then it sort of looks like it wants to eat the face off you. Eek.

  9. Sharon says:

    haven’t you people seen Coraline? those things are not to be trusted!

  10. Green Of Eye says:

    Errrrrrgh i’m so creeped out by it and i’m not sure why.
    It’s tiny and has fur….which is usually cute but..*shudders*