The Return Of Number 6…


I’m *really* not sure about this…

5 Responses to The Return Of Number 6…

  1. Lottie says:

    But it’s Ian McKellen…

  2. Rick says:

    And it looks average at best…

  3. Allan says:

    Oh for fuck’s sake.

  4. Stan says:

    Probably redundant rubbish, though it would be nice to be proved wrong. There’s a production blog here.

  5. Sharon says:

    hmmmmm. promo doesn’t say much alright.
    But you have to remember the prisoner was little more than a vehicle for Patrick McG to show the world how Amazing/clever/witty/suave he is.

    I still loved it. I even -to my shame- hold on to a video box set of it (vids listed as being number ? to number four, which is cute).

    think about it.really remember what the original was like. just how bad could it be? chances are 50/50.. or put another way it’s six of one..
    (couldn’t resist)