Why So Series

DVDsThere’s a general consensus that television during the summer months consists mostly of Big Brother and its spinoffs, while the soaps continue running all year long, many of our favorite American imports and UK shows take a long break this time of year. Even anyone that watches online or downloads their weekly fix will be suffering from withdrawal from the likes of Grey’s Anatomy, Heroes, Doctor Who, Lost, Gossip Girl, Criminal Minds, Skins, etc. etc. The only series that seems to have new episodes airing during the summer months will be House on Sky One.

Thus “Why So Series” is born - a Culch.ie weekly feature on DVD boxsets, to guide your summer viewing and with the recession in mind we’ll be aiming to feature bargain boxsets. HMV sales and online stores are a great place to pick up really good value whole seasons of TV series that have either gone off the air or haven’t been picked up by any of the major stations over here. I myself will be focusing on complete TV show boxsets whilst Lottie will be highlighting current cult favourites that have been running for awhile but that you may have missed out on.

We would hope that readers would tip us off when they see a really good deal somewhere too, and feel free to email your tips with your own personal review to [email protected].

6 Responses to Why So Series

  1. Pingback: Culch.ie » Blog Archive » Why So Series: Babylon 5

  2. Darren Byrne says:

    Brilliant - looking forward to seeing what you bring.

  3. Rick says:

    Great idea ladies, I own one box set. One. A Region 1 Prisoner ultimate set thingy. I feel adrift from the 21st century…

  4. Lottie says:

    Ooh Im looking at your collection and thinking “I’m so borrowing/robbing that”.

    Yes, if anyone has any sueggesions of anything they’d like covered give us a shout. Saying that after a rampant brain-storming session we have a list of about 50 titles to cover. FUN!

  5. Sinéad says:

    @Rick I can totally understand why you don’t watch tv anymore, it’s mostly crap, but boxsets are definitely the way to go.

    @Lottie Ah that’s just a creative commons photo from flickr. My dvd collection mostly consists of old sci fi movies to be honest. Wanna borrow Barbarella, Videdrome, or Blade Runner?

  6. Pingback: Culch.ie » Blog Archive » Why So Series? One Season Wonders Part 1