Drag Me To Hell: It Will Make You Afraid Of Buttons

Growing up horror was always my first love of the film genres. I relished that feeling of fear knowing that outside the doors of the cinema, away from the screen there was the comfort and safety of the real world. My ninth birthday, or maybe my tenth involved a marathon of the Nightmare on Elm Street series, culminating in the newly released Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare 3D. My pre-pubescent cohorts and I gathered around our 14 inch, flimsy cardboard glasses in hand and let the fear embrace us. And so it went for many years. But recently I have become jaded by the trawl of Craven wanna-bes and grotesque packages that the studios have latched onto as the definition of current horror. I want the fright, I want to sit glued to my seat both craving as much as dreading the next scare and tensing until my muscles hurt. … There’s more

The UK Apprentice Live Blog - The Final

After the humiliation of Wednesday night’s interview process, the two remaining contestants, Kate and Yasmina, have one more task ahead of them before we hear Sir Alan say those ever so rare words: You’re Hired. Join us for tonight ‘s live blog at 8.45 to discus, debate and abuse Kate and Yasmina in the Final of The UK Apprentice 2009. Apprentice UK S05E12 - Final Click Here to Open in a New Window

On stage at the Abbey Theatre

Following a signal from the stage manager, I walked out, dead centre and stood facing the auditorium. Here I was, fulfilling a desire I had given scant attention to before - to be alone, on stage, at Dublin’s Abbey Theatre, facing the seats, facing people, ready to give my all, to start my performance, to do, as it were, what I do. I took out my phone and took a photo. It’s Monday morning and preparations are in full swing for a rehearsal of Tom Murphy’s The Last Days of a Reluctant Tyrant. Around me scaffolding is being dismantled, set pieces brought into place and position and lighting checks happen while in the auditorium, a makeshift desk holds a lot of monitoring equipment to ensure positions, sound, lighting and cues are all in place for the production. I have a love for the Abbey - forbidding building though it may … There’s more