Review: Transformers 2

Being a huge fan of the 2007′s Transformers I can honestly say without hesitation that Transformers 2 is the worst movie I have ever seen. It’s two and a half hours of my life I am never going to get back.

Transformers Review

Now I know that this won’t dissuade ardent fans from going to see the film but don’t say you weren’t warned.

10 Responses to Review: Transformers 2

  1. Peter says:

    Ehm this is a very short review - can you say WHY its the worst movie you have ever seen?

  2. Sinéad says:

    I’ve seen far worse movies than this. I thought it was seriously cool, but a bit dumb.

    @peter Personally I enjoyed most of it. Will post up another review later today.

  3. Lottie says:

    @Peter -
    I usualy try to keep my reviews short but honestly, I couldn’t let it suck anymore time out of my life.

    I’m very open minded about these kind of movies. I thought Transformers 1 was great action fun. I didn’t think Wolverine was too bad. I apprecaite that they are action movies and you can’t go in expecting some grounbreaking acting or a movie that will change your life.

    1. It was far far far too long.

    2. The story line was a very poor imitation of the first one. It seemed to me that the story was incidental to the fight scenes - “hey let’s bombard them with 100 CG robots running around in the sand and they won’t notice”

    3. They appear to have forgotten to edit any of it. I actually blacked out a little in the final scene and have no clue how the last fight scene (which was …at least 20 minutes long) ended.

    3. The fight scenes were long and complicated and repetitive and untimatley disinteresting.

    4. The gratuitous scenes, in there as an attempt to hold attention were just silly.

    The only thing that was at all entertaining about the film was Shia Le Bouf’s parents.

    If I had paid the €10 to get in I would have felt cheated out of my money.

    @Sinead - I really cannot fathom how anyone enjoyed it. Were we at the same movie?

  4. The more I think about it the more I agree with you, there was like two maybe three bits I liked in it but other than that it kinda dragged on and on and on and on. Love my pen though!

  5. Darren Byrne says:

    I agree with Jelly - the pen rocks. Would rather have missed the film though.

  6. Maxi Cane says:

    I loved it, I especially loved Danny Elfman.

  7. Lottie says:

    @Jelly Monster - the memory of the film is very swiftly leaving my memory. Thankfully.

    @Maxi - Danny Elfman was amazing alright. ;?

  8. So not good then?!? :D

    I had a feeling it was gonna be shite.

  9. Ok… don’t bash Transformers 2… it kicked ass and it’s that simple… end of discussion… period… finished… no more… that’s it… I think you get the point!>_<