Rock Flock Of Five - So Very Tired…


Jack Penate - Everything Is New

This is fairly different from the upbeat chirpy borderline laddishness of his first one. It’s atmospheric, stylish and full of interesting beats that don’t forsake the catchy. Definitely not a cynically commercial attempt to cash in on last time but a broadening out into something wider and newer. Like it.


Kasabian - West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum

You do have to worry about any band that names an album that bizarrely. It starts off pretty decently but then rapidly descends into floopy sub-jazz riffs via pseudo Dick Dale surferama stuff and just plain loopy weirdness. After that I got bored and started to drift off to Twitter. Never a good sign. Shame, because I loved their first album.


The Mars Volta - Octahedron

One part prog-rock, one part sub-emo whininess bordering on Linkin Park.


The Jonas Brothers - Lines, Vines And Trying Times

Worse than Transformers 2.

Just to finish I want to re-review the Florence And The Machine album from last week. On second, third, fourth and twentieth listens it’s really, really good, sweet pretty and has the best cover of You’ve Got The Love EVER on it. A must buy.

One Response to Rock Flock Of Five - So Very Tired…

  1. Well sure, by the time you’ve listened to an album by the twentieth time, you start to get familiar with the songs and they’ve grown on you. But will have a looksie at the Florence and the Machine. They sound familiar to me, never properly listened to them though.