The Time Traveler’s Wife - Movie Trailer

Three weeks ago I finished reading The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I really did wait too long to read this book - it’s spectacular.

Today I came across the trailer for the upcoming movie starring the adorable Rachel McAdams and the chameleon like talents of Eric Bana and I’m totally unconvinced. It could very well be the manner that the trailer is cut but it just doesn’t seem to do the story justice.

Your thoughts?


The trailer contains some pretty significant spoilers so if you haven’t indulged in the pleaure of the book yet, don’t watch it. Go out and get the book instead.

12 Responses to The Time Traveler’s Wife - Movie Trailer

  1. roosta says:

    The book is great….but the film looks awful.

    Oh well.

  2. Gary says:

    Rachel McAdams - Well cast, but I would have liked to have seen her a bit more edgier.

    Eric Bana is not Henry.

    I don’t like they way they’ve done the vanishing. It was more sudden and shocking in the book.

    Big massive HUGE spoiler in there - have destroyed the ending of the book. Not sure what they intend to have as their big emotional finish now.

    My advice is the same as yours, Lottie - Read the book. Don’t watch the trailer.

  3. craven says:

    Thats controversial - are you saying a book is better than a film??

  4. Voodoolady says:

    Aw man, I was looking forward to this but the trailer looks soooo bad. I think I might just read the book again.

    I don’t want to mess up my love for the book like the divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood did with that piece of poo flick.


  5. Allan says:

    I think it might be the cut. It reminds me of the Gary Oldman dwarf vehicle trailer. Thought Bana was quite good casting though.

  6. Claire says:

    Hmmmm…in one way, I’m dying to see this as I’m very curious to see how they interpret it. Agree on the vanishing, it was a lot more sudden and snappy in the book, not a gradual fading…

    Surprised at the casting…not how I envisioned Clare and Henry at all!

  7. Lottie says:

    @Gary - I know. I had Henry pictured in my mind - but he didn’t look like any actor or person I know. Eric BAna will do though…I think.

    And as for the vanishing - it shold be a much more violent atmospheric *zap*.

    And HUGE HUGE spoiler how can they get away with that . It’s worse than showing Dumbeldores dead body!

    @Allan - *fingers crossed* Hopefully - but there can be no forgiveness for that spoiler.

    @Everyone - funnily - I gave a friend the loan of the book a few days ago and got a text tonight saying “I don’t know about this book now. It’s weird”

  8. laina says:

    I just finished reading the book and it was so beautiful that I don’t think I can go see the film. I haven’t even brought myself to play the trailer - it’ll ruin my picture of it!

    I also made a friend read the book this week (not even knowing there was a movie version) and got a text saying ‘Time travel in lost is hard but this is harder’.

  9. Lottie says:

    @Laina - Time travel stroies ususally make my mind go splat but this I could handle. It avoided the what if we change this concept and focused more on the love story. Much friendlier to my brain cells.

  10. Rick says:

    Oh Christ.

    This is one of my favourite books ever and I do not like the look of this at all…

    They’ve prettied and polished and put a wanky soundtrack on the top.

  11. Sinead Keogh says:

    That trailer is just upsetting. I feel the need to go hug the book.

  12. Niamh says:

    Aw. I’ll probably go see the movie. But I think I need to re-read the book first! And I’ll probably still cry…!