The Top 5 Viral Campaigns

‘Infected’ is a weekly column by documenting Pop Culture in Viral Marketing. ‘Infected’ will also include sporadic ramblings on other random ‘viral’ topics…watch this space!

Last week, we talked about Podcasting and gave our tips and suggestions on how to make a great podcast. This week, I list my Top 5 favorite Viral Videos, and ask you guys to give your suggestions.

*Note - I know I’m a day late with this - I’m posting this from a hammock in a treehouse in the South-East of France. There’s dedication for you! Back to the normal Wednesday slot next week hopefully :-) *

Week 6

Top 5 Viral Videos

My favourite viral videos. Videos that have immortalized brands with one simple clip. Post your favorite video links below.

5. Will it Blend?

You can blend anything with a Blendtec blender apparently…even marbles. Genius.

4. Heineken Walk-In Fridge

What man does not want one of these?

3. Cadbury

Glass Half-Full Productions are King of the weird videos. First the drumming gorilla. Now, kids with strange control of their eyebrows. Well, it certainly got people talking!

2. John West Salmon

Talk about immortalizing a brand, say the words ‘Tinned Salmon’ and I guarantee you that this add will come up in the conversation.

1. The Doghouse

My personal favorite, this will also strike a chord with men everywhere. Very funny stuff!

Now - It’s your turn! I want to hear about your top viral clips below.

About Rob Cumiskey

Pop Culture fanatic, Aston Villa supporter, lover of penguins.

2 Responses to The Top 5 Viral Campaigns

  1. Maxi Cane says:

    I love the Heineken one, classic.

    But that doghouse one, I nearly wet myself.

  2. Yeah the Heineken one is great
    And the Doghouse one too but its so long