I execute the moonwalk like I stepped in…

Title: Can’t Shake It
Artist: Kate Miller-Heidke
Label: Unsigned/Sony Music, Australia
Release: Looking for UK/Irish label

I execute the moonwalk like I stepped in… Its lines like that which make me love this song.

You see poor Kate can’t shake her bootie (or booty, which is the right one) and this limiting factor is ruining her dancefloor time. You see, this is pure pop. But pop with humour. It sounds odd to say this but the ammount of bubblegum pop that takes itself seriously is, ironically, absurd.

Or to put it another way, Sophie Ellis-Bextor (another hyphenated lady) or Lady GaGa writing a song as a pisstake would be pretty close to this. It sounds great, bouncy, but the po-faced delivery hides a wealth of comic timing.

Of course all humour gets dull, but given her serious past, I think a bit of fun is allowed.

Oddly, this works better without the visuals. It turns out that watching someone who can dance singing about not being able to is, well, silly.

Listen, and bounce away. And if you can shake it, do.

p.s. Marie Antoinnette style wigs with inbuit clocks are unlikely to be a major fashion statement, but dang it, I want to see that on Grand Parade on Hallowe’en at least.

About Will

Will likes to dance around the interfaces of technology, people and culture. Unfortunately that dance floor is freshly waxed. He usually remembers to write (and photograph) at WillKnott.ie

2 Responses to I execute the moonwalk like I stepped in…

  1. Staceg says:

    Hey Will,
    My name is Stace Gill and Im delighted to meet you here on Culch. Came across this piece and had a look at Kate, what a lil treat, a bit Regina spektorey and a lil lilly allen, very nice.

  2. Will Knott says:

    You’re very welcome Stace,

    I will admit that I usually don’t review unsigned acts (but she is sort of signed, just not here).

    I may have to start reviewing more Irish unsigned acts (if I get the embeddable tracks/videos)