Ever since last year at Oxegen, I’ve developed a soft spot if you will for music festivals.
Granted I’ve only been to one , but of course intend to attend more in the future. Seeing the televised Glastonbury just this past week enlightened me of how much there is to do and see there. And something I didn’t know until recently was that children were permitted to do shtuff at Glastonbury which is just a fantastic idea, as long as its done right…
For a young ‘un its possible that something as great as music festival could change their whole vision of music. Could even spark a career, who knows. So you can take it I’m big into allowing young people into gigs, as long as its kept responsible…ish
One festival I know of that is big into the whole young people and music festival thing is Plectrum.
This isn’t Plectrum, I just really like the whole separation of bins.
Held at the outskirts of Clare, No drink, no drugs, no weapons, even governed and organised by young people.
(Although technically anything you pick up can be considered a weapon so just keep an eye out for some flying drum sticks. Not actually flying drum sticks that would be preposterous. Can u imagine a drum stick with wings?…… Actually, that would be pretty awesome now that I think about it)
This year is the festival’s second year running and slowly but surely making a name for itself.
It showcases some of Ireland’s greatest unrenowned talent, each artist performing for free. In the case of these guys the music definitely comes first, which ensures good music for cheap entry. The festival is non-profit and the entertainment runs for the whole day.
After attending last year, I was to be honest, overwhelmingly surprised at not only the quality of the acts but also the professionalism. It’s cheap and it’s a full day of gig fuelled fun.
If you are interested in discovering new bands then undoubtedly Plectrum is a great way to get started. It runs on Saturday 4th of July. More info can be found here