……Do You Know What Necrophilia Is?

I’m sorry but this is just one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while and I have to post it…

About Sean

http://www.youtube.com/TheSonicScrew I operate on that lovely little channel up yonder when I'm not stalking the Culch.ies or being an extreme nerd on other parts of the internet. You should Totes McGotes check me out. If you do, I promise never to use the phrase 'Totes McGotes' again. You have my word.

5 Responses to ……Do You Know What Necrophilia Is?

  1. Aww thats brilliant

    Elmo’s laugh is infectious

  2. MikeFlah says:

    Ah that is bloody priceless… wetting myself!

  3. I find it hard to decide whose laugh I prefer more!

  4. Bngr says:

    Yea I love Ricky’s laugh, but the ‘set your piggies free’ bit is the best.